The popularity of the social networks/part 1

القائمة الرئيسية


The popularity of the social networks/part 1


Social networks

The popularity of the social networks

Every morning, Sarah turns on her computer. First, she checks her email. Then, she visits a social networking website to find out what her friends are doing.

 On this website, she reads news from her friends. For example, she may look at comments her friends made about movies, music, books and other friends. 

On her profile page, Sarah writes a short message about what she is doing. Like many young people, Sarah enjoys meeting and communicating with others on social networks.

 These websites let people see what their friends are doing and thinking. Sarah is part of an important trend in communication. 

النص مترجم 

The popularity of the social networks

شعبيات شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي


Every morning, Sarah turns on her computer.

كل صباح ساره تشغل حاسوبها


 First, she checks her email.

  اولا تتصفح بريدها الالكتروني

 Then, she visits a social networking website to find out what her friends are doing.

بعد ذلك تزور موقعا لشبكة التواصل الاجتماعي لتكتشف ماذا يفعل أصدقائها

On this website, she reads news from her friends.

على هذه المواقع، هي تقرأ الأخبار أصدقائها

 For example, she may look at comments her friends made about movies, music, books and other friends.

مثلا يمكنها ان تنظر الى التعليقات التي قام بها أصدقائها بشأن الأفلام، الموسيقى، الكتب و حول أصدقاء أخرين 

On her profile page, Sarah writes a short message about what she is doing.

على صفحتها الشخصية تكتب سارة رسالة 

 قصيرة حول ما تفعله

 Like many young people, Sarah enjoys meeting and communicating with others on social networks.

مثل الكثير من الاشخاص الشباب، تستمتع سارة باللقاء و التواصل مع الاخرين على شبكة التواصل الإجتماعي 


 These websites let people see what their friends are doing and thinking.

هذه المواقع تتيح الاشخاص بان يروا ماذا يفعل اصدقاءهم و بماذا يفكرون 

Sarah is part of an important trend in communication.

سارة هي جزء من هذا التوجه المهم في التواصل 


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